We are the staff that run and operate the self access park at UEC. Come and talk to us about your English needs.
Suwako is from Japan, but from growing up in mainly Europe, she finds comfort in an international atmosphere. You can find her eating lunch outside seikyo with the international students. Her role in SAP is to run the seminar and counselling programs. At the Univerisity of Electro-Communications, she teaches undergraduate English courses and a graduate technical English course. She enjoys sports and is in the local softball team.
Jie is a multicultural and multilingual person who loves to travel and communicate with people from all over the world. She is an English professor who is deeply involved in developing, teaching and managing science and engineering English courses at both undergraduate and graduate schools. She also devotes herself to support and prepare the UEC students for international research presentations and publications as well as overseas studies.

Takao Mizutani

Hiroshi Kohsaka
Takao Mizutani manages the computers and media products of SAP. Please consult with him, if you have any questions. He has lived in an apartment for two weeks on the Manhattan island several years ago, and walked around the Broadway from south to north. He is interested in mediterranean countries now and his hobbies are being outdoors and mountain climbing.
Hiroshi was born in Yokohama. When he was in elementary school, he wrote MSX-BASIC computer programs for games. He studied physics in the undergraduate school and obtained a PhD in neuroscience. In the UEC, he teaches English to undergraduate students majoring informatics and engineering.

Hibiya Haraki
Support Staff

Soma Kudo
Hello, I am Hibiya Haraki, support staff of SAP. I am master course student at UEC and major in computational engineering. I studied mechanical engineering at Sweden as exchange student and enjoy visiting some europe contries. I take care of paper work for the SAP staff. My hobby is watching rugby, coding, and traveling foreign countries.
Hello!! My name is Soma.
I’m a 3rd year student at uec and in charge of ices(uec international club).
I like to travel overseas and see beautiful sights, eating delicious food(most of my travel purpose is dominated by eating).
Don’t afraid to talk to me!! I’m very happy to meet new people.

Sodnomtseren Guyen
Hey, guys! I'm Guyen, a 2nd year bachelor's student at UEC. I am from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. My usual free time is divided between my hobbies of breakdancing, drawing, playing various sports and Pokemon.
Here at SAP I am in charge of the TED Talks sessions. Feel free to come around and have a lengthy discussion with me.
PAST STAFF 2014~2022

Takeshi Tarui
Head of SAP HQ
Language Learning Advisor
The topics of my research are English speech rhythm, English spoken by Japanese learners and English speech rhythm learning programs using e-learning systems.I am also interested in English as a means of communication which is useful for students who will participate in the global world in the future. My hobbies are collecting real English materials for English education in many English-speaking countries and drinking with friends after playing baseball or softball.
現在の研究テーマは英語のスピーチリズムと日本人の英語やE-learning を利用した英語リズムの学習等。学生がグローバル社会で活躍できるコミュニケーションの手段としての英語を模索中。 趣味は、英語圏の国々で生きた英語の素材を収集することと地域の友人たちと楽しむ野球やソフトボールと飲み会参加。

As a Senegalese international student of UEC, I’ve been enjoying my stay in Japan for the last three years. My actual research is on optical communication networking and green communication. Outside of school, my interest goes on sports, movies and gaming. I enjoy playing futsal time to time, visiting new place and spending time with friends.

This is Bimal Chandra Das from Bangladesh. I am Assistant Professor at Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Currently I am doing PhD at the University of Electro-Communications (UEC). My research field is Optimization. The aim is to be a quite learner, researcher and highly energetic to face any challenge in the field of Education. I like travelling and music. I am interested in Japanese and love Japan very much.
Hiroaki Oku's first experience abroad was at the age of 34 to Iceland. The dim sunlight at 2:00 a.m. still remains in his memory. He's been intrigued by the diversity of languages, especially that of sentence structures. He's been committed to overseas internship, IAESTE, sending and accepting students to and from 90 countries. Among his joys of life is to talk with people over a cup of 'water of life'.

I am Ihsen from Burkina Faso in West Africa. I am a PhD student at UEC and my research is related to IP Networks (Optimization). Since the high school, I love studying foreign languages and it is this passion that led me to start studying Japanese for the first time in 2007. I am a french native speaker but also learnt some German and Latin at school.

My name is Meena and I am from Thailand (Bangkok). I am a PhD student at UEC and my research is related to Quality and Reliability management. I am interested in cooking, travelling and Japanese.


Edg@r J.
I am Ahmed Hossain from Tangail, Bangladesh (South Asia). I am doing masters in UEC. I do research on quantum mechanical behaviors of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattice. My hobby is playing badminton, listening to music, watching movies etc. I like to meet with people and have good time with them. This time I am with the SAP team. I am looking forward to meet with you guys.
From Mexico City (Tlaltenco town), Edgar Josafat Martinez Noriega is my full name. I am master student of the University of Electro-Communications doing research in the field of High Performance Computing, Android & CUDA. I like making new friends, playing guitar, swmimming, soccer and programming. I love music, specially metal one, but any rock type is welcome :) . Nice to meet you.


My name is Xu Yansen, I came from China. I have been in Japan for 3 years. I am now a graduate student at the Department of Information Network Systems in UEC. My research is related to SDN (Software Defined Network). I like travelling and taking photo. I also like watching movies and reading books in my spare time. I would like to make friend with everyone. Please feel free to talk with me.

My name is Carlos from Colombia, I came to Japan in December of 2008 to study my master course in Gunma University focused in data mining, and nowadays I’m finishing a doctoral course focused in city planning. My hobbies are playing guitar, listening music from around the world, soccer and learning Japanese culture.

My name is Kadri and I am from Estonia (a small country in the northern part of Europe). At the moment I am a second year Master’s course student in UEC studying in the department of Informatics. I really enjoy travelling and I think Japan has many great places to visit.

My name is Gibran and I am from Mexico. Currently I am a PhD student here in UEC. My laboratory is KANEKO lab and my research field is related to Image Processing and Facial Analysis. I am studying here because I love Japanese people and their culture, that’s why would be great to meet you!! My interests are many like parties, sports, billiard, karaoke, retro videogames, etc. But what I really love is snowboarding and wrestling!!!

My name is Dominik and I am from Germany. I am here for my PhD and will be staying for the next few years. My research is on theoretical mechanics and simulation of dry granular media. Outside of campus you often might find me hiking in the mountains west of Tokyo.

Marzieh Farahani
Hello Everyone!
My name is Marzieh Aliabadi Farahani, people usually call me “Marzi”. I’m a Ph.D. 2nd-year student in UEC and my major is informatics. My research is related to the Human body and muscles signals. I was born in Iran’s capital city; Tehran. Iran is on the Asian continent, same as Japan, but quite far from here. My mother tongue is Persian (which is different from Arabic!). I got all my university degrees here in Japan. I'm able to communicate in Japanese and working as a translator in my free time. I’m enjoying my life experience here in Japan and looking forward to meeting you to talk about different topics.

Masaya Amano
Hi! My name is Jean-Charles Pelletier but people call me "Jin" in Japan. I'm from France (Dijon) and I'm currently doing a PhD in UEC, mostly in mechanic and mechatronic. I enjoy my life in Japan when I travel and meet great people. I hope we'll get along and you'll enjoy my classes!

Enjoying sightseeing, making new friends and interested in learning different cultures and life styles. English is my official language and I’d like to teach any students who are interested in learning and speaking English. I currently do my research at the University of Electro-Communications (UEC), and my research focuses on Tor overlay network. The main aim is to improve the performance of onion routing cryptographic protocols.

Hello, I am Radian from Indonesia, South East Asia. I love playing basketball, watching movies, and traveling around the world. I am a graduate student in UEC. My research interests focus on Robotics and Control. I came to Japan in 2007 and have been learning Japanese since then. Feel free to ask me about English in Japanese (or vice versa for foreign students), I will be very happy to help you.

My name is Wilfried, I am from Ivory Coast (west Africa). I came to Japan in April 2009 as a MEXT scholarship student to study electronics at Osaka Electronics College. After Osaka, I went to Gunma University where i was studying computer science, particularly programming. I am now pursuing my master course in UEC at the Department of Information Network Systems. I like hanging out with my friends, performing dances from my country. I also have lot of interest in Japanese Culture. I am passionate about electronic devices. In my spare time I learn new programming techniques and new programming languages. I make simple games and web applications by my own. Recently, I am learning about professional photography for fun.

I’m GoGo from Thailand. I worked as a Senior Software Engineer for several years and came to Japan in October 2011. I am currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Electro-Communications. My research focuses on optical network survivability, especially on multi-domain networks and network architecture design. My favourite hobby is playing football.

Ackah Bohulu
Hello! My name is Kwame Ackah Bohulu. Most people in Japan call me by my middle name Ackah (アカ) because it's easier to remember. I am from Ghana(yes, like the chocolate) in West Africa. I'm currently doing my PhD and I have been in Japan since 2015 of April. I have a passion for teaching and I am looking forward to helping you guys improve your English language skills.

Jairo Moreno
My name is Jairo (ハイロ) and I am from Mexico City. Now, I am a Ph.D. student in fuzzy control. I have been living in Japan for almost 4 years and love Japanese culture as well as Japanese food. I really enjoy watching documentaries and horror movies, reading about science, listening to music, dancing latin music, riding bicycle and cooking mexican food.
Hello, my name is Masaya Amano. I am a Japanese master student in Abe laboratory in UEC. My research topic is the electric and magnetic phase transition of perovskite materials. Currently, I am working on first-principle calculations to understand how ferroelectricity is evoked. Actually, I have not been a student of UEC for 5 years in a row. I worked in an automotive parts company in Spain in 2019. So, I speak Spanish as well as English and Japanese. Feel free to ask me anything about writing English and my experience in Spain!

Julio Ortíz

Masaki Nakazato
I worked in the field of X-ray crystal structure Analysis at the university of Gunma for six years. I was engaged by the university of Electro-Communications in 1989 to "optical character recognition by Neural network". Then, I worked the Instrumental analysis center. I was the technical staff for X-ray crystal structure Analysis and Mass spectrometry. Now, I calculate electron density from a molecular orbital method, and am comparing it across different calculation methods.
私は6年間、群馬大学でX線結晶構造解析の分野で働き、平成元年より電気通信大学の 知能機械工学科で文字認識(画像処理)に従事し、ともにフーリエ変換を扱ってきました。その後、機器分析センター(現研究設備センター)に席を置き、X線 結晶構造解析、質量分析の技術者として働き、現在、分子軌道法により求めた電子密度をもちいた構造因子の計算により従来の温度因子によるモデルとの比較を 行っています。

Yukiko Oishi
Yukiko previously spent many years in the lab as a scientific researcher herself, and she now wishes to use her experiences of having written scientific research articles to help nurture the future scientists of UEC by providing English-related support through classes and SAP. Yukiko enjoys water-related activies - especially swimming, scuba dividing, and soaking in onsens.

Jan Mueller
My name is Jan (ヤン) and I am from Berlin, Germany.
I am currently a PhD student here at UEC, with focus on computational fluid simulation. Before coming to study at UEC, I've been to Japan several times before and I actually learned Japanese by reading manga and watching anime.
So believe me, learning a foreign language can definitely be fun!

Edgar Santiago
Hello.My name is Edgar Santiago Galicia but people use to call me (エドガーリト). I am Mexican and I am studying the third year of the Ph.D. course. My research studying topic is about heat transfer enhancement technologies. I have been living in Japan for more than 3 years. I love Japanese food and culture. My hobbies are playing soccer, reading books, watching movies, and tasting different kinds of beers. (In charge of the ICES room and WSD)

Oscar Alam
Hello, my name is Oscar and I am from Mexico. Currently, I am a research student at UEC and later I will enter the Master’s, on the area of Robotics. This is the second time I have come to Japan, I came back because I wanted to pursue my graduate studies in japan and because I love the Japanese culture. I like to travel and meet new people. My hobbies are watching movies, TV Series, reading books, cycling, and hiking.

Ahmed Roman
Hello, my name is Ahmed and I come from Mexico City. Currently, I am a research student at UEC, on the area of Soft Robotics. This is my fist time in Japan and I'm loving it so far. I came ogininally through an exchange program and then extended my stay a bit longer. I like to travel, languages, meet new people and exchange culture. My other hobbies are watching movies, TV Series, playing videogames and do DIY stuff. Feel free to contact me for a chat.

Nguyen Thanh Binh
Hi everyone, I am Binh, from Vietnam. I am a doctoral student at the Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems, UEC. Although I was born and grew up in Vietnam, I spent most of my academic life abroad, 7 years in Russia and 1 year in the USA. Now I am living in Tokyo with my wife and son. Although I am researching about heat transfer, I was fascinated by language and culture. At UEC, I had an opportunity to learn Japanese, especially Kanji, which for most Vietnamese is a forgotten language; I am going back to my root when I learn it. I hope my language learning experience will help you in your learning journey.
Hello, my name is Julio. I am a Mexican student in UEC. I study Ph.D. in mechanical engineering and I am interested in fluid mechanics and its applications. I like sports, to travel and meet new people. In my free time, I like to ride my bicycle around Tokyo and read. I love Latin American Literature but if you know good books please make me some recommendations.

Atsuko Jeffreys
Atsuko Jeffreys was born and raised in Japan and is now based in St. Louis in the United States and in Tokyo. Her passion is to explore how people learn, maintain and use foreign languages in many different contexts, and how best to teach them and to help learners improve their skills. Say hi to her whenever you see her on campus!

Aojie Xu
My name is Aojie Xu and I am from China. My friend just call me AJ because it is easy to remember. Now I am in the fourth year of the doctoral course in UEC, majoring in Quantum Communication. I love my research pretty much if you like to discuss the most advanced technologies please let me know. During the day off I usually do some sports like playing basketball, pull, badminton, and cycling but sometimes I would like to grab a beer and chill with my best friends talking a little bit about life experiences from a book, a movie, music, and a journey. In general, I am a positive and energetic guy, welcome to be my friends.

Mhammad Ilham
Hi! My name is Ilham(イルハム) from Indonesia. Currently in a PhD program in mechanical engineering. If you like movies, reading a book and singing, then we have similar hobbies. Research on new energy resources is my passion where you can discover new findings and help others. Is it not interesting? I hope we can appreciate little things in our life and try to enjoy every minute of it. cheers.

Josef Da Silva Berbardo Neto
Josef is from Angola-Luanda, he is a friendly person who loves to meet new people. He is a research student who is deeply interested in the Robots interaction with human and artificial consciousness. Feel free to contact me for a chat.

Leonídio Amaral
My name is Leonídio Amaral, Leo for short. I come from Angola (Southwest Africa) and I'm a researcher student at UEC, Optics and Phonotics Lab, and a prospective master's student, focused on Radio-over-Fiber Transmission with Optical Power Supply. I'm graduated in electronics & information engineering from Xidian University, Xi'an-China. I can speak Portuguese (native language), English, Chinese and Spanish. And I'm learning Japanese now. I love Japan and japanese culture and food as well. I hope we can get along well and help each other in this long journey.

Lucia Guadalupe
Hello, my name is Lucia Arellano. I am a Mexican double degree PhD student in Nakamura laboratory in UEC. My research topic is to Introduce a new two-dimensional material with a stable structure for use in applications to various devices using first-principle calculations. I like to dance, travel, swimming, watching movies, and meet new people. Nice to meet you.
Clara Hertzog
Hello! My name is Clara (クララ). I heard one of the characters in アルプスの少女ハイジ has the same name as me. I'm French, and I'm a Ph.D. student at UEC. When I'm not doing research, I like drawing, watching movies, or exploring new places around Tokyo. I'm in Japan for about 4 years now, and I don't get tired of Japanese food! I especially like Tonkotsu Ramen, Maguro Tataki Don, and Mame Daifuku. But I must admit I miss French bread sometimes... I am kind and smiley, so don't be afraid to talk to me! I'm always very happy to meet new people.