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Special Seminars


「電通大生のためのTOEFL® writing ワークショップ」のご案内

2024年1月17日(水) 電通大生のためのTOEFL® writingワークショップ

TOEFL® iBT Writing sectionのスコアアップを目指す電通大生のための2時間完結セミナーです。サンプル問題を使い、評価基準や効果的な解答を書くコツを解説します。また、独学でのライティング練習に役立つ各種ツールも紹介します。これからTOEFL® iBTの準備を始める方、学習法を知りたい方は、どなたでも参加いただけます。

日時:2024年 1月 17日(水)17:00~19:00



講師 横川 綾子(教育学修士・英語教授法)


Title: TOEFL® writing Workshop for UEC Students

This is a complete 2-hour seminar for UEC students who want to improve their score on the TOEFL® iBT Writing section. Using sample questions, the seminar will explain evaluation criteria and tips for writing effective answers. Various tools will also be introduced to help you practice writing on your own. Anyone who is about to start preparing for the TOEFL® iBT and wants to learn how to study for it is welcome to attend.
Main language: Japanese (up to the first 30 participants)

Date and Time: Wednesday 17 January, 2024 (17:00-19:00)

Location: C401

Instructor: Ayako Yokogawa

Ayako Yokogawa is a designated professor at the Organization for International Collaboration of Meiji University. She is responsible for organizing "Pre-Post English Programs for Study Abroad" to facilitate student exchange with overseas institutions. Her recent publications include "English for Writing" (2019, ALC). She holds a B.A. in International Relations Law from Sophia University, an M.S.Ed. in TESOL from Temple University, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics. 

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日時:2024年 1月 10日(水)16:30~18:05

場所:電気通信大学 東3-301






While ChatGPT in education and research enhances learning through interactive support, accessibility, and research assistance, concerns include accuracy, emotional intelligence, privacy, and ethical considerations, making it important to balance benefits and challenges. In this special seminar, invited speakers will present case studies of “AI-enhanced language learning methods” and "AI-enhanced uses in business” followed by a panel discussion on the uses and concerns of ChatGPT in "education," "research," and "business."

Date and Time: Wednesday 10 January, 2024 (16:30-18:05)

Location: E3-301, The university of Electro-Communication

Louise Ohashi, Associate Professor (Presenter/Panelist):Louise Ohashi specializes in second language acquisition and English education. Her key research areas include learner autonomy, motivation, and the use of technology for language teaching and learning.

Yoichi Taniguchi (presenter and panelist): Mr. Taniguchi joined a major telecommunications company in 1997 as a career track employee, dealing with telephones and networks both domestically and internationally. Currently, he is mainly in charge of planning measures to utilize AI, technical verification, and development of AI for in-house use in the corporate business division.

Professor Masakazu Murai (panelist): He joined the University of Electro-Communications in 2001, became a professor in 2007, and has been Vice President for Education since 2020. His research interests include optimization, operations research,machine learning, and game informatics. He is a member of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Information Processing Society of Japan, the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.



11月8日(水) 電通大生のためのTOEIC® L&Rワークショップ

TOEIC® L&Rのスコアアップを目指す電通大生のための2時間完結・受講生参加型ワークショップです。実際にサンプル問題を解き、ペアワーク・グループワークを通じて、正解の根拠と解法のコツをその場で理解します。これからTOEIC® L&Rの準備を始める方、効果的な問題演習の方法を知りたい方は、どなたでも参加いただけます。

日時:2023年 11月 8日(水)17:00~19:00



講師 横川 綾子(教育学修士・英語教授法)


Title: TOEIC® L&R Workshop for UEC Students

This is a 2-hour student-participation workshop for University of Electro-Communications students who are aiming to improve their TOEIC® L&R scores. Through solving sample questions and group work, participants will understand the basis for correct answers and tips on how to solve them on the spot. Anyone who is about to start preparation for TOEIC® L&R or who wants to know how to effectively practice the questions is welcome to participate.
Main language: Japanese (up to the first 30 participants)

Date and Time: Wednesday 8 November, 2023 (16:00-19:00)

Location: C401

Instructor: Ayako Yokogawa

Ayako Yokogawa is a designated professor at the Organization for International Collaboration of Meiji University. She is responsible for organizing "Pre-Post English Programs for Study Abroad" to facilitate student exchange with overseas institutions. Her recent publications include "English for Writing" (2019, ALC). She holds a B.A. in International Relations Law from Sophia University, an M.S.Ed. in TESOL from Temple University, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics. 

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6月21日(水) 電通大生のためのTOEIC® L&Rセミナー

TOEIC® L&Rのスコアアップを目指す電通大生のための2時間完結セミナーです。講師が解答のコツや効果的な学習法を解説します。質疑応答では、参加者の皆さんからのあらゆる質問にその場でお答えします。TOEICのスコアアップに向けた効果的な学習法を知りたい方は、どなたでも参加いただけます。主な使用言語:日本語

日時:2023年 6月 21日(水)16:30~18:30

場所:図書館 マルチメディアルーム 306

Zoom:学内GoogleアカウントでGoogle Classroom g3gjcio に参加し、Zoom情報をご確認ください。


講師 横川 綾子(教育学修士・英語教授法)


Title: TOEIC® L&R Seminar for UEC Students

Description: This two-hour seminar is designed for UEC students who want to improve their scores on TOEIC® Listening & Reading Test. The lecturer will provide practical tips for arriving at correct answers and effective learning strategies. At the end of the seminar, there will be a Q&A session to answer any questions from participants on the spot. This seminar is open to anyone who wants to learn effective learning strategies for their TOEIC score improvement.
Language: Japanese

Date and Time: Wednesday 21 June, 2023 (16:30-18:30)

Location: Library Multimedia Room 306

Zoom: Please join Google Classroom g3gjcio with your UEC cloud account.

Instructor: Ayako Yokogawa

Ayako Yokogawa is a designated professor at the Organization for International Collaboration of Meiji University. She is responsible for organizing "Pre-Post English Programs for Study Abroad" to facilitate student exchange with overseas institutions. Her recent publications include "English for Writing" (2019, ALC). She holds a B.A. in International Relations Law from Sophia University, an M.S.Ed. in TESOL from Temple University, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics. 

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5月17日(水) 電通大生のためのTOEFL iBT®セミナー

TOEFL iBT®について知りたい方、目標スコア取得に向けた準備をしたい電通大生のための1日完結セミナーです。講師がテストの概要や効果的な学習法を解説します。質疑応答では、参加者の皆さんからのあらゆる質問にその場でお答えします。TOEFL iBTの受験を予定している方、効果的な学習法を知りたい方は、どなたでも参加いただけます。

日時:2023年 5月 17日(水)16:30~18:30


Zoom:学内GoogleアカウントでGoogle Classroom g3gjcio に参加し、Zoom情報をご確認ください。


講師 横川 綾子(教育学修士・英語教授法)


2023 May 学外用TOEFL Special Seminar.png

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実践的コミュニケーション教育推進室、技術英語部会及び共通教育部総合文化部会 英語教室では、TOEIC試験のスコアアップに役立つセミナーを開催いたします。TOEICは、英語によるコミュニケーション能力を測る資格試験の一つです。本学でも、学域1年生は全員TOEIC試験を受検することとなっています。今回、リスニングとリーディングの運用能力を測るTOEICで600点を取るための学習法、解答法などについて、TOEICのスコアアップスキル向上を含む英語教育法の普及に全国的に活躍なさっている講師を招いて、講演していただきます。TOEIC受験能力だけではなく、英語によるコミュニケーション能力の更なる向上に関心のある方は、是非セミナーにご参加下さい。レベル的には学域生を対象としていますが、電気通信大学の関係者であれば、どなたでもご参加いただけます。



日時:2023年 3月 6日(月)13:00~15:30



Zoom:学内GoogleアカウントでGoogle Classroom g3gjcio に参加し、Zoom情報をご確認ください。





講師 横川 綾子(教育学修士・英語教授法)








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